Year-Round Program Tryouts
Click here to register for tryouts!
Tryout registration is MANDATORY for any player interested in placement into any of the following year-round development teams:
Premier, Select, National, Regional
Tryout tip: Attend Fall program practices!! We encourage all players to attend Fall program practices as it allows us to get more familiar with you. It's much easier to determine the best fit for players when we get to see them more than just one time! You can get a Fall program practice bundle here.
Everyone will have a fair tryout and we are confident that everyone who tries out will receive an offer for one of our training groups! We do not have to fill all of the available space on each of our teams and will only do so if the level of the players makes sense.
After registering for tryouts, you can attend as many tryout sessions as you would like.
Tryout dates:
Saturday, August 10 from 10am-11:30am
Sunday, August 11 from 3-4:30pm
Saturday, September 21 from 10am-12pm
Sunday, September 22 from 3-5pm
Saturday, October 12 from 12-2pm
Sunday, October 13 from 3-5pm
You can get familiar with out club in the mean time by attending some of our fall program practices. learn more about our Fall program practices here. ​
You can find more information about each of our year-round programs here.
For those planning to tryout for indoor club teams: If you are planning to attend tryouts for indoor, please let us know and we will provide you with 2 options in your Sinjin year-round offer. The first option will be for playing beach full-time with us, the second option will allow you to play indoor and attend our practices around your indoor schedule. Bottom line - your offer will not force you to choose between playing indoor and beach.